McLean Institute is dedicated to facilitating your addiction recovery with the utmost compassion and care. We do so by implementing a large variety of treatment techniques and methods. By creating a program that is catered to your needs, you will be able to overcome your addiction while treating your mental health and empowering yourself to have the life you’ve always wanted. You and your needs are our top priority. Whatever treatment is necessary will be applied to ensure that you can get sober and stay that way indefinitely.
You will not be forgotten once you leave one of our drug rehab clinic. When you are ready to be sent on your way, you will leave with a personalized aftercare plan that meets your needs and situation. It is a lot like your comprehensive, personalized addiction program while in rehab, except it is catered to your life moving forward after we have discovered what is right for you and what will keep you sober. You will have the resources, guidance, and support you need all around you. This kind of regimen is key to being able to avoid triggers in the future and staying sober long-term.


How long does treatment last?

Do I have to attend group therapy?

What is a dual diagnosis?

Is treatment catered to my needs?
Why Begin Now
Addiction is a chronic disease you cannot overcome in the month at our addiction recovery clinic. It is a comprehensive process that takes years to master and will be with you for the rest of your life. It is not unlike recovering from another chronic disease, we just haven’t learned how to talk about it, and deal with it, as a society. The future is bright for you and everyone else that finds themselves in the hands of a drug addiction. Come learn about your condition, that it doesn’t define you, and that you can break from it no matter what. With the right support, guidance, attitude, and dedication, recovery will be carefully planned and simply adjusted until you have everything you need in place to live the life you’ve always dreamed about.

Contact McLean Institute today to set up the
free consultation that change your life, liberate you, and mystify you.